EmmaCommunity Manager

AI-Powered Community Manager: Enhance Your Online Communities with Expert Social Media Engagement and Growth Strategies

Introducing the AI Community Manager, your one-stop solution for fostering and nurturing online communities with result-driven social media tactics and engagement techniques. Unlock the potential of your online presence with our tailor-made strategies that boost your community's growth and impact.

Download the Chrome extension for one-click access to a team of AI assistants.

AI-Powered Community Manager: Enhance Your Online Communities with Expert Social Media Engagement and Growth Strategies

AI-Driven Social Media Engagement

Maximize your online impact with AI-powered social media engagement strategies that foster strong connections with your audience and keep them hooked.

Community Growth and Retention

Employ AI's data-driven insights to optimize community growth, acquisition, and retention, building a robust and active online community.

Personalized Content Delivery

Harness the power of AI to deliver targeted, relevant content that resonates with your audience, driving interaction and fostering loyalty.

Awesome ChatGPT Prompts

Quick access to a diverse collection of engaging ChatGPT prompts designed for quality results. A list of awesome ChatGPT prompts is always available. You can even add your own and favorite the ones you use the most!

OpenAI API Key

Use your personal OpenAI API key to access ChatGPT instantly with a click on the icon or a keyboard shortcut. No login required and instant access to a library of awesome ChatGPT prompts.

ChatGPT Chrome Extension

A ChatGPT Chrome extension designed to increase productivity with ChatGPT. Besides a team of AI Marketing assistants, you get access to a text summarizer, a social share preview creator, Lexica art, and much more. All in one place.

Hi, I'm Emma, a Community Manager with an emphasis on social media engagement and community growth. How can I help you?”

Community Manager
Social media platform suggestions

“Which social media platforms would be most effective for reaching our target audience ({{target_audience}}) in the {{industry}} industry?”

Content creation ideas

“Can you suggest some content creation ideas that resonate well with our community in the {{niche}} niche?”

Engagement strategies

“What are some community engagement strategies to boost our online presence and nurture relationships within our {{industry}} industry?”

Community growth tips

“Please provide 5 tips for growing an online community in the {{target_audience}} target audience and {{industry}} industry.”

Performance analysis

“How can we measure the success of our current community growth efforts and what metrics should we track?”

250+ ChatGPT Prompts

TeamSmart AI comes with a large prompts library. Each AI Assistant has their own set of custom prompts. You can create, delete, and favorite prompts to create you personal prompt library.

AI Marketing Team

ChatGPT Chrome Extension

Select an AI Marketing Team to assist you with your daily marketing tasks. Become more productive and let them help you with Content Writing, SEO, Social Media Engagement, and much more.

Use your own OpenAI API Key
Using your own API key is usually way cheaper than the ChatGPT Plus subscription.
AI Marketing Team
Each AI Marketing Specialist has their own skills and comes with their own set of ChatGPT prompts.
One click away.
As a browser extension, your AI robots are everywhere you go. No login, just click the icon or use the keyboard shortcut: Command+Shift+P (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+P.
Product screenshot

Download Chrome Extension

Download the Teamsmart.ai Chrome extension and click the icon to open the Teamsmart.ai app.


Create your AI Team

Make a selection of AI assistants that you can chat with and ask for help.


Get the assistance

You can use the extension for the assistance from our AI bots.

Boost your productivity.
Install the extension today.

TeamSmart AI is free to install. Upgrade to Premium for more features with a one-time purchase.

App screenshot