AndrewMarketing Expert

Marketing Expert

Meet Andrew, the Marketing Expert. Specializing in social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing.

Download the Chrome extension for one-click access to a team of AI assistants.

Marketing Expert

Marketing strategies and campaigns

Develop effective marketing strategies and campaigns to promote your product or service.

AI tweet generator

Expertise in creating impactful social media content to increase engagement and brand awareness.

Awesome Prompts

Quick access to a diverse collection of engaging prompts designed for good results. You can ask for a summary with a quick keyboard shortcut. You can even add your own and favorite the ones you use the most!

No API Needed

We run everything from our own API’s, no need to use yours. We make it simply and easy for you to get started.

Productivity Chrome Extension

This Chrome extension is designed to make you more productive with Besides an AI page analyzer, you also get access to a AI Software Engineer, a Social Share Preview creator, Lexica art, Health Coach, and much more. All in one place.

AI Personal Assistant Robot

Andrew, your AI assistant for marketing and social media, is always available to help you. Ask the AI robot for advice or select other AI team members for different tasks.

Hello, I'm Andrew, a marketing expert. I excel at developing successful marketing campaigns. How can I assist you?”

Marketing Expert
SEO Product description

“Write an SEO-friendly 300 word product description based on the product details below. The text should use informal language and appeal to young creative people. Also follow these guidelines: Focus on benefits rather than features, Avoid sentences over 20 words, Avoid using passive voice, Include a call to action at the end. Products details: {{product details}}”

SEO LinkedIn post

“Create a standard SEO post on LinkedIn about my accomplishments as a {{role}}”

Blog ideas

“Provide me 10 ideas for blog posts about {{topic}}”

Blog titles

“Create 3 distinct title tags with a maximum of 60 characters for the text below. They must be descriptive and contain the word {{keyword}}. {{text}}”

SEO blog outline

“Generate a comprehensive, SEO-optimized blog post outline for {{keyword}}, targeting an {{audience descriptor}} audience with a conversational tone and a desired length of 1500-2000 words.”

SEO blog post

“Write an informative and objective article about {{subject}}. Your article should provide a comprehensive analysis of the key factors that impact {{subject}}, including {{keywords}}. To make your article informative and engaging, be sure to discuss the tradeoffs involved in balancing different factors, and explore the challenges associated with different approaches. Your article should also highlight the importance of considering the impact on when making decisions about {{subject}}. Finally, your article should be written in an informative and objective tone that is accessible to a general audience. Make sure to include the relevant keywords provided by the user, and tailor the article to their interests and needs and should be {{desired word count}} words.”

SEO rewrite & add keywords

“Rewrite the text above using {{keyword1}}, {{keyword2}}, and {{keyword3}} as SEO keywords.”

Twitter Thread

“Create a Twitter thread about {{topic}} with {{count}} tweets”

LinkedIn Post Ideas

“Generate ideas for a LinkedIn post related to {{topic or industry}}.”

Post headline ideas

“Can you suggest some attention-grabbing headlines for a LinkedIn post about {{topic}}”

Twitter Thread ideas

“I'm looking for a Twitter thread idea that will provide a behind-the-scenes look at my {{company}} and persuade my {{ideal customer persona}} to take {{desired action}} with a sense of authenticity and reliability.”

250+ ChatGPT Prompts

TeamSmart AI comes with a large prompts library. Each AI Assistant has their own set of custom prompts. You can create, delete, and favorite prompts to create you personal prompt library.

A better interface

Get professional answers without hiring any.

Maximize your output with a custom team of AI assistants for all needs. Easily spread your workload to move faster, without the added cost.

AI Team of specialist.
Some team members have special powers, like summarizing the content of your current page.
One click away.
As a browser extension, your AI robots are everywhere you go. No login, just click the icon or use the keyboard shortcut: Command+Shift+P (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+P.
Product screenshot

Download Chrome Extension

Download the Chrome extension and click the icon to open the app.


Create your AI Team

Make a selection of AI assistants that you can chat with and ask for help.


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App screenshot